Wednesday, November 16, 2011

L. I. F. E.

Life is bonkers right now.
I can't sleep, so I return to my blog.

Reasons for me being excessively weary...

*Everyone crying at rehearsals* no sleep. HOMEWORK. Almost got fired from work [long story]... F r i e n d s ...
Best friend disappeared on 11/11/11... and to my relief, made it back home.
Other best friend won't talk to me.
Other OTHER "Best Friend" might be avoiding me..?

Too much to think about. And all the while I've got plenty of people who complicate my life and make we want to become a hermit. No joke. However, I do appreciate the random visits from good friends of mine. I love it when I'm having the worst day ever and one of them will come over just to cheer me up. It's nice to know somebody cares.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Break From the Break

Today I decided to take it easy and give myself some time to relax after my all-night episode of Book Report Drama.

I took a walk and thought about things while I picked every pretty leaf I could carry. I felt like I was three years old again carrying my armload of leaves into the house and laying them out on the counter, showing my mommy each and every one and telling her what made each one so pretty.

Couple things you might not have known about me...

I live and love to sing.
I love going for long walks. I'm passionate about [books] and [journals]. I love vintage and other old-looking things. Especially books. I want to have my own little library in my future home.

Lately, I've preferred having time alone over being with people.

Fall Break.

How about I [break] and [fall] over dead?

That's more like it.

Not much of a break when I am up to my eyeballs in homework.....

Friday, October 21, 2011

My [REAL] First Post

This blog has been neglected long enough. I came to the realization last night that I haven't posted on here since September....
...But I've also come to terms with the fact that I'm losing my grip on what was once my reality, and I need help. Soon.

High school has changed so many people, I don't know who I can confide in anymore. Writing in my journal has been my main source of relief when I'm super stressed and whatnot, but now I am lacking in support from friends, and I need another outlet for my ever so scatterbrained thoughts. So, I've found that the idea of blogging- letting out my thoughts that are just screaming to be heard- seems rather appealing. Perhaps the things I post will lack in value and importance to those viewing it. [Thus the name of my blog- Trinkets and Baubles.]

Trinkets and Baubles: a showy toy or trinket of little value; A small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value.
My thoughts: the little things that adorn my life; May hold little value to everyone who sees them; Trinkets and Baubles of my life.

My thoughts may be amusing or a seemingly decent way of spending one's time when bored, but each post will hold a lot of significance to me.
So please, do enjoy the Trinkets and Baubles of thought I have to share.

The year 2011 has been rather challenging for me. To those who have seen harder times, I've got it easy. But I suppose that just means I'm not as strong, and I envy the strength of those who would bear my burdens with ease.
I'm not going to bother going into too much detail about my trials, because honestly, who would want to read a hopelessly depressing blog? I, for one, would not. Besides, I ought to be grateful for my hardships because I know I will become better through it all.

Summary of my year: Illness, and heartbreak. (Not just in myself, but in many of the people who are most dear to me.)

Through these times of grief, however, I have been able to see God's tender mercies at work. I've made friends I never thought I'd have. We've all become stronger. I've grown up a lot. New opportunities have replaced lost ones. I've had the blessing of the gospel as a constant strength to me. My Savior has pulled me through it all. Overall, I think the cursings are becoming blessings.