Wednesday, November 16, 2011

L. I. F. E.

Life is bonkers right now.
I can't sleep, so I return to my blog.

Reasons for me being excessively weary...

*Everyone crying at rehearsals* no sleep. HOMEWORK. Almost got fired from work [long story]... F r i e n d s ...
Best friend disappeared on 11/11/11... and to my relief, made it back home.
Other best friend won't talk to me.
Other OTHER "Best Friend" might be avoiding me..?

Too much to think about. And all the while I've got plenty of people who complicate my life and make we want to become a hermit. No joke. However, I do appreciate the random visits from good friends of mine. I love it when I'm having the worst day ever and one of them will come over just to cheer me up. It's nice to know somebody cares.